Thursday, 19 February 2009

The joy of adwords

Having started the google challenge I find the whole process highly interesting. It was really exciting to see the ad appear live! And the follow-up process of watching and refining is also great. We are suffering from low CTR rates right now but have started on variations and have created a more targeted placement strategy.
One question that came up from our client was - does google adwords affect the organic ranking? They found that their ranking had suffered (!) while the common question on the internet is whether the paid adwords actually improve the search ranking (more links to a site, more visitors).
The answer is no: the database and spiders/bots are different and even hosted differently. And the adwords links are not counted in pagerank.
The indirect effect is that if you optimize a page for adwords then this will also help your organic rank (naturally). But there is no direct effect.
Any other first-day revelations, findings, hints or tips?
Take care,